About thirty years ago, I studied for the Lutheran ministry. Towards the end of my
studies, in 1983, I discovered what I believe to be significant differences of teaching
between Luther and Paul. These differences are briefly summed up below:
Luther teaches that Christians, Paul teaches that Christians
insofar as they are flesh or are entirely under grace.
old Adam, remain under the law.
Luther teaches that apostolic Paul teaches that apostolic
parenesis, that is exhortations parenesis is grace, and
addressed to Christians to lead therefore a part of the gospel.
a God pleasing life, is law.
Luther teaches that the sins of Paul teaches that the sins of
the world are either on the world are at the same
the crucified Christ or on the world. time on the crucified Christ, and on the world.
With a departure from biblical truth unfortunately comes a twisted perception and
presentation of reality. The extent of the damage, as I see it, is a twisted image of
God, a twisted understanding of the law, a twisted understanding of the gospel,
and, last but not least, a twisted self-image of Christians.
I am convinced that with justification by grace through faith, Luther has
rediscovered an essential part of the gospel of Christ. With no ill will on his part,
and only the best of intentions, he has set this pearl of great price into a law-
gospel distinction that is not in accordance with Scripture.
I would like to dedicate this website to a careful examination of those differences,
and to a rediscovery of the gospel of Christ as it has been preached by Jesus
and the apostles.